Finally! It's been six weeks since we adopted Budde, and finally I have a relaxed photo of him and Louie to share. Unfortunately, I cannot take photographic credit. Louie and Snorp were over visiting my parents house when it occurred. After spending a few hours at my house wrestling around like crazy with three dogs, I finally gave up on trying to take any decent pictures and sent them over to stay with my folks at Budde's house for a while so I could have a break.
Ten minutes went by and I got this picture text message from my mom showing Louie and Budde snuggled on the dog bed together. I grabbed my camera and headed over. I was careful to step lightly on the porch as I approached and I tried to walk in quietly. It did not work, Louie sounded the alarm as soon as the door opened and all dogs and cats were at the door to greet me. Sigh, you cannot sneak up on a blind dog. One might think it would be easy, he can't even see you! Just walk right up to him, but no, he can hear you, smell you, feel you. Louie knows, and he will tell you about it and get all the other dogs up too. I call him an investigative reporter. He will listen and when he hears something, he's going to bark about it.

So that, my friends, is why you have two blurry pictures of Louie and Budde on the dog bed. They were taken by my mother's cell phone. Even through the blur, it is still quite adorable.
No doubt Budde is growing. Like a weed in fact. Everyday is an adventure in the world of Budde. Everyday he can jump a little higher, run a little faster and bark a little louder. Snorp and Budde are the best of friends. Snorp makes a great teacher. If I tell Snorp to sit, he sits and Budde sits. If I tell Snorp to come, he comes and Budde comes. Easy. He's taking a lot of the work out of it for me by showing Budde what to do when he hears those words. My dad now calls him Uncle Snorp.
Budde is cute. That is a fact. It is also incredibly hard to take a still photo of him so I have included one where I have my husband holding him down. Budde is tolerating being held on his back and having his paws touched. Very nice.
These last three pictures are of the Louie, Snorp and Budde wrestle fest that was going on at in my living room before the adorable sleeping moment. This wore them all out. Snorp is quick to get down to Budde's level and play. He'll roll over onto his back, exposing his belly and mouth at him. They're noisy and drooly and adorable. Louie, however, doesn't lay down. He's always a little on guard with his escape route planned. It's understandable as he can't see and is never exactly sure what the next move will be. That Budde is known to nip at Louie's face, and Louie is not a fan of that at all.

Louie does like to get in on the wrestling in his own way if he can. He'll sit close and listen. He especially likes it if there is a human friend there to referee. In these photos, my husband Paul is sitting on the ground with them. Louie by his side, Paul sits with his arm around Louie firmly on his chest. Louie has a clear point of reference and it's much more fun to play. He makes sounds and mouths the puppy and Snorp. Sometimes he even gets the toy, but it's mostly by accident. Sometimes, I think Snorp passes it to him on purpose, just to be nice.
We have a very nice pack of boys here: Snorp, Louie, Budde and Paul. :)
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