We, however, did not make sausage out of Budde the puppy. Phew, good thing because we like having him around. Today we made sausage with the lovely pigs that gave their lives to be food for many families. They lived happy, healthy, simple lives. I love making sausage with my husband Paul, he is a pro for sure. After losing a small part for our little cast iron sausage stuffer, we borrowed the big stuffer from Paul's work instead. Quite a amazing peice of machinery. A hand crank device who's technology has stayed about the same since the early 1900's. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
As always, Louie was getting in the way while we were in the kitchen. I tell him to get out and sit and he does. He somehow slowly sneaks back in after a while, we are working away and don't even notice until we are tripping over him. He sure loves the smell of raw meat, what dog doesn't right? He has no idea of spatial boundaries like some dogs. While Snorp lays on the floor in the dining area, carefully watching us to see if we drop anything that we need him to clean up for us, Louie stands inches away for the sausage stuffer. He knows not to grab anything, but he still will be as close as he can get just listening.

When my dad came over with Budde, things got a little rowdy for a minute. Budde smelled those same delicious smells that Louie was already savoring, but had no social filter, manners or self control. He did not watch and wait across the room like Snorp, nor did he sit close but patiently nearby. He wanted to climb into the bin with the sausage. This was stopped before it happened and then we got to practice good manners. Oh, Budde. You are a puppy afterall.
Little Budde sat close by watching the sausage fall out of the stuffer into the bin, smelling the smells. He showed tremendous self control. It must be hard for the little guy to sit so close and not take a bite. My new job became puppy wrangler and I just kept the dogs away from the food and took a few cute pictures. I let the dogs sit close just for long enough to snap a few shots and then I asked them to move out into the dining room to sit a safer distance away from all the action.