This puppy is becoming a little dog! Growing and growing. Budde is a good dog, we are happy to have him in the family. We're having success in training this little guy, he knows how to sit and to speak. New this week is the combo pack. If you ask him to sit, he will bark once and sit down. If you ask him to speak he will bark once and sit down. I think he's not sure which is which and the words do sound the same. It's like he's just covering all his bases to make sure he's pleasing us. However, it would be nice of him to sit without yelling at us every time. It looks like we have some work to do.
If you read our last post, Louie and I have taken the 50 sits a day challenge. We will practice 50 sits everyday for seven days. When we are practicing in the same space a Budde, there is a lot of barking going on. Every time I say sit, Louie sits and Budde speaks and sometimes sits. Maybe with all this sitting practice Budde will get the idea from Louie's example of the silent sits.
The best this this week is the ongoing Snorp and Budde wrestling tournament. Snorp always lets Budde think he's winning. Snorp will roll over onto his back and pretend to struggle as Budde tires himself out. Then Snorp will quickly flip back over and snatch away whatever toy is in the mix and run from Budde.

Louie is getting along better with Budde everyday, although Louie is still not his biggest fan. Louie is no longer very jumpy around Budde and they sleep together nicely. All in all we're raising a very happy dog family, and everyone is getting along okay with the cats too.
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