Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Budde the Puppy is 14 Weeks Old

We got a new computer! I haven't had a chance to write anything in over a week since our laptop bit it big time. I've thought of a million ideas and subjects and hilarious little quips to write about, and they have all just come and gone. Ha! I also had a really tough time getting any decent photos of Budde this weekend. He's one crazy mofo. Jumping, flailing about like a Tasmanian devil. Or at least like the Warner Brothers cartoon adaptation of the Tasmanian Devil. He runs and jumps and spits and bites and barks and snarls and and and... he just doesn't stop! Until he drops to the floor with a big sigh and falls asleep. Do not disturb the sleeping puppy or the process will begin again.

Louie is getting more tolerant of this mayhem everyday. He seems to understand the puppy's movements better all the time and Budde seems to understand he needs to be more gentle for Louie. So Snorp is taking the brunt of it. He gets all the fake fights and wrestle time. If Budde is bored I will sacrifice Snorp and 'throw him to the dogs' and shut the door, leaving Budde outside with Snorp to babysit so Louie and I can have a break. So mean.

Budde the Puppy, on the move!
The biggest, most noticeable change in Budde this week is, it seems that he has finally found his voice. He barks to ask to go outside, he barks when he wants back in, he barks at the cat, he barks when his dish is empty, he barks when he wants a toy he can't reach. All this barking can be really annoying. It's important for Budde to know how to speak, but he also needs to learn the proper etiquette. When is it good for him to bark and when is he being just plain rude?

This is why I like teaching the command 'speak'. If you teach them speak and the understand that word and what it means, then you can tell them not to speak or to stop speaking. Easy. Well, kind of. It still takes a lot of work, patients, practice.

Budde is also learning that he can listen to what is going on outside. He's trying his paw at investigative reporting. He hears me outside with the dogs and he starts barking at the back door. 'Look! Look! Dad Dad Dad!!! Something's out there, I think it's the big dogs! Look! Look!'

I can hear my dad inside telling Budde to 'Leave it' and 'No speak'. He'll quiet down in a second or two. But good for him, little Budde. He knows now that there is a world outside that exists, even when he is not there. A big step for a little guy.

Snorp winces after a loud bark from Budde. (see top left corner for Meatloaf the Kitty sneaking up on the boys)

1 comment:

  1. O....M....G! Look at the feet on Budde! If he grows into THOSE you're going to have a monster!! But a cute monster. Just not as cute as our main man, Louie!
