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Louie says goodbye at Jack's grave |
Louie sure was sad after Jack died. Lou would search around the house for him, checking Jack's usual hang out spots like in front of the heater or on Louie's dog bed.
Louie moved on much quicker than I did. I knew I wanted another cat for Louie, but I knew they would need to be very special. Louie was mostly blind by now. I couldn't have him around a cat that would fight dogs. We couldn't risk an injury to his already terrible eyes. I decided the only way I could do it would be if we got a kitten. I decided to just let it be, I wasn't looking to adopt anytime soon. I really missed Jack and felt he would be impossible to replace.
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Halford makes himself at home |
Months passed. A co-worker of mine had just adopted a black lab puppy. Not long after, his cat had kittens. The puppy and the kittens shared a living space. When I heard this story about all the kitten and puppy snuggling that was going on a light bulb went off! One of those kittens could be Louie's! All of these kitties were being partially raised by a black dog. I knew this could work.
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Fast friends, Halford and Louie, 2009 |
I got up early and met my coworker at our place of business about a hour before we opened shop for the hand off. We arranged the details the previous day. The kitties were about eight weeks old. I asked for a male kitten, and preferably stripped grey tabby rather than black and white. Tabby's seem to be more confident cats, in my experience anyway.
A furry little kitten was delivered to me in a parking lot, he looked a lot like Jack. Not in bulk or girth but in pattern and color. Such a cute kitten. I took him home to a kitten proof room I'd readied in preparation for his homecoming. He had food and water, a shallow box with blankets, one of which was a towel I had given my co-worker a few days before to keep with the kittens for a familiar smell, and a litter box. I spent some time showing him around and then I left to go to work. I had dropped Louie off with my parents the night before so the kitten would get settled in without him. Poor kitty, all alone in a new house away from his family for the first time. When I left he wasn't crying, he was exploring his new surroundings. I had a good feeling this would be a good confident cat friend for Louie.

After I got off of work that day I went and picked up Louie and headed home quick. I put Louie on leash and harness to go inside so he'd be on good behavior. I was anticipating Louie to be very excited and maybe nervous about the new arrival. I led Louie around the house before heading to the room the kitten was in. He could smell something new before we even walked in the door.
When we got to the kitten's room, I found him sleeping in the box on his towel. Louie stuck his nose in there and bumped into the kitty. He stepped back and started to tremble. Louie does a strange thing when he is around new cats. Because Louie can't see, he doesn't know when he's about to be hit. He knows cats have hit him before so when he smells one he goes in to constant flinch mode. He tightens his jaw until his teeth start to chatter and he's blinking fast and hard. It's sad how nervous he is but it's funny how silly he looks. I talk softly to him telling him it's a nice kitty and keeping my hand on his back the whole time, with my other hand on his leash.The kitten woke up, looked at Louie and started purring the loudest I'd heard. He sat up, stretched and started to reach out and touch Louie's face with a gentle paw. Louie flinched, and the kitten did it again, ever so gently. Louie started to settle down, the kitten rubbed himself all over Louie's head. Love at first sight and smell to say the least.
Halford was sure Louie was his mommy. they were inseparable, and Halford didn't grow out of his puppy love. It was totally normal to find Louie sleeping with Halford draped across his neck or head. I called it his cat scarf. Louie loves to be warm and he loves touching someone, especially when he sleeps. We couldn't ask for a better kitten match.
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Halford the scarf cat |
We've had Halford since 2008 I think. He and Louie have never fallen out of love. Halford is still just a cool cat, I have many stories of the fun we've all had together.
What's with the Name?
Simple, the first day I brought him home. He was sleeping in my bed with Louie. I went into the other room to flip my record over on the turntable. It was Judas Priest. There, next to the song title was printed (Halford), giving Rob Halford writing credit. There he was. Rob Halford Kitty. Halford, a new friend.
Sweet story!