Here is Louie's face. Super close up. His lip stuck drapped over a leg. His right eye rolled back in his head and open just enough to show it's sunken pink inside. A face only a mother could love? I hope not, but maybe. I sure do love him.
Louie is resting on his favorite spot.
A person. If Louie could lay right on top of another large living animal he would, always. It is the best heating pad. Louie can't see that the place on the couch is not enough room for him to fit, he just goes for it and somehow it usually works out.
I got an S.O.S. text from my mom last night.
Louie was next door at my parent house for a visit. My text said 'You have to see where your dog is right now'. I went next door and found Louie fast asleep on the couch. He is not allowed on the couch at my parents house, well at least not when my mom is home. My dad is a pretty standard Grandpa kind of guy. Bad habit enabler of children and pets alike. Tell your kid they can't have candy? My dad will find a loop hole and sneak them some. Louie gets the most attention from my dad. Louie sleeps under the covers on the bed with my dad if he stays the night there when my mom is not home.
However, my mom was home.
My mom, sitting on the couch, my dad lying next to her with his feet in her lap, watching TV together. Nothing too out of the ordinary. An arrangement usually found on a night when they are home together.

Louie sure did look comfortable.
He didn't even mind that I walked in the door. He wasn't even interested to see who had just come over. Usually he gets up when he hears the door and barks a little a greets whoever enters. He didn't even mind that people were talking about him he just slept.
I help to Louie get off of the couch, careful not crushing any bones on either of my parents. Everyone thought it was pretty cute how he groaned when he got up he definitely didn't want to move he was very comfortable and very warm. I have no idea how Louie can even get in that position without people really noticing. Of course you see a big old dog there, but a first it's just a head in your lap, then also a paw and next thing you know you're pinned and somehow he just expands and gets heavier.
I envy how comfortable that he can get.
I envy how relaxed he can be, how oblivious he is with the rest of the world moving around him. I know Louie is comfortable in the moment and in that moment nothing else matters.
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